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Topic: Geomechanical Risks Mitigation – A Must for Safe Long-Term CO2 Geological Storage Lecturer: Mr. Tan Chee Phuat , PETRONAS Tan Chee Phuat, PhD has 37 years of petroleum geomechanics experience in R&D, technical service, operation and academic, and is Chief Scientist Geomechanics with PETRONAS Group Technology & Commercialisation. In this lecturer program, he presented the key geomechanical mechanisms associated with CO2 leakage risks and study workflow, and follow by coupled geomechanics-dynamic-thermal modelling assessment of risks associated with CO2-rock interaction, fault re-activation, caprock failure, injected CO2 cooling on caprock ...
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Topic: Carbon Capture and Storage and the CO2 Storage Resources Management System (SRMS) Lecturer: Mr. Rawdon Seager, Gaffney, Cline & Associates Rawdon Seager is a reservoir engineer with over 50 years’ experience in the international oil and gas area with Shell, Huffco and, since 1985, Gaffney, Cline & Associates, where he is Chief Reservoir Engineer and Global Director of Quality Assurance. He presented some of the ways in which carbon dioxide can be stored and provided a review of the CO2 Storage Resources Management System (SRMS) framework prepared by the Society of Petroleum Engineers to classify and categorize the storable quantities. ...
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Japan Formation Evaluation Society (JFES), a chapter of SPWLA, will have the 29th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan Meeting on 12th & 13th September 2024. SPE Japan Section is pleased to cooperate and share information of the symposium as attached. Please find the link below for more detail. The 29th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan│JFES ( Registration: Here Thank you.
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Date: October 11, 2023 Topic: Transforming How to Evaluate Wells and Unlock Reserves: Deep Transient Testing Lecturer: Mr. Francois-Xavier Dubost , SLB Francois-Xavier Dubost focused for 27 years on reservoir performance evaluation and recently joined the SLB HQ team as Reservoir Technical Director. In this lecturer program, he presented a Deep Transient Testing (DTT) technique that was developed in response to an industry and customer need in 2015. The technique has been used since then by many oil companies to help reduce development risks. He also explained that DTT aligns with global sustainable development goals, by enabling reductions in CO2 emissions ...
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Date: September 29, 2023 Topic: CO2 Geological Storage from 8 Years of Dynamic Injection at the Aquistore CO2 Storage Site Lecturer: Prof. Rick Chalaturnyk , University of Alverta and GeoVer Inc. Rick Chalaturnyk is a Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Alberta and holds an NSERC/Energi Simulation Industrial Research Chair in Reservoir Geomechanics. In this lecturer program, he presented dynamic responses that have been recorded since the completion of the CO2 injection well and the start of CO2 injection began on April 16, 2015 at the Aquistore CO2 Storege Project. He discussed various issues ranging from well integrity to reservoir ...
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Japan Formation Evaluation Society (JFES), a chapter of SPWLA, will have the 28th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan Virtual Meeting on 13th & 14th September 2023. SPE Japan Section is pleased to cooperate and share information of the symposium as attached. Please find the link below for more detail. JFES | Japan Formation Evaluation Society ( Thank you. 28th JFES Symposium Poster
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SPE Japan welcomed Mr. Tom Emelander, the additional distinguished lecturer for 2022-2023, at INPEX Tokyo on February 10, 2023. Date: February 10, 2023 Topic: Sidetracking with Whipstocks: An Efficient Method for Increasing Your Operational and Asset Value Lecturer: Mr. Tom Emelander, Weatherford Intl. Tom Emelander is the Product Line Manager for Weatherford's Whipstock Systems and has authored multiple technical papers and industory articles. Whipstock sidetracking has evolved as a viable solution to add operational value in both new and mature wells. In this lecturer program, he presented applications and methods to increase operational efficiency ...
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Japan Formation Evaluation Society (JFES), a chapter of SPWLA, will have the 27th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan Virtual Meeting on 14th & 15th September 2022. SPE Japan Section is pleased to cooperate and share information of the symposium as attached. Please find the link below for more detail. JFES | Japan Formation Evaluation Society ( Thank you. 27th JFES Symposium_Poster ver0511_rev
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SPE Japan Section was pleased to invite Mr. Michael F. Rainbolt for the 3rd distinguished lecturer program for 2021-2022 on May 19, 2022 (Zoom Meeting). Date: 10:00-11:30 JST, May 19, 2022 Topic: What You Need to Know About Fracture Driven Interactions Lecturer: Michael F. Rainbolt, Petroleum Training Institute Nigeria Michael F. Rainbolt is a registered professional engineer and recently, senior technical advisor with Abra Controls Corporation in Houston, Tx. He has co-authored multiple SPE papers and was featured in an SPE Podcast on fracture driven interactions in February 2020. In this lecturer program, he introduced ...
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SPE Japan Section was pleased to invite Dr. Ridvan Akkurt for the 2nd distinguished lecturer program for 2021-2022 on January 12, 2022 (Zoom Meeting). Date: 10:00-11:30 JST, January 12, 2022 Topic: Machine Learning: Is it Magic or Hard Work? Lecturer: Ridvan Akkurt, Schlumberger Ridvan Akkurt is a Petrophysics Advisor in the Schlumberger Artificial Intelligence and Analytics Group, based in Denver, USA. He has many publications and 24 US patents, has taught industrial courses, served as a Distinguished Lecturer for SPE and SPWLA. In this lecturer program, he focused on Machine Learning (ML) and the uncertainties in the ...
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SPE Japan Section was pleased to invite Dr. Subhash Ayirala for the 1st distinguished lecturer program for 2021-2022 on December 1, 2021 (Zoom Meeting). Date: 16:00-17:30 JST, December 1, 2021 Topic: SmartWater Flooding Mechanisms and Water Chemistry Guidelines for Carbonates Lecturer: Subhash Ayirala, Saudi Aramco Subhash Ayirala is the Champion of SmartWater flooding at Saudi Aramco's Exploration and Petroleum Engineering Center—Advanced Research Center, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. He is SPE distinguished member and currently serves as co-executive editor of SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering. In this lecturer program, he focused on the pore scale mechanisms ...
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The 26th JFES Symposium is now open for registration (Early Bird Registration is till 10th September). For more detail of the simposium, please find the link below. Thank you.
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Japan Formation Evaluation Society (JFES), a chapter of SPWLA, will have the 26th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan Virtual Meeting on 30th September, 1st & 7th October 2021. SPE Japan Section is pleased to cooperate and share information of the symposium as attached. Please find the link below for more detail. Thank you. The_26th_JFES_Symposium.pdf
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​​SPE Japan Section was pleased to invite Mr. Kyle Haustveit for the 1st distinguished lecturer program for 2020-2021 on November 16, 2020 (Zoom Meeting). Date: 16:30-18:00 JST, November 16, 2020 Topic: Making Decisions Using Completions Diagnostic Tools in Unconventional Reservoirs Lecturer: Kyle Haustveit, Devon Energy Kyle Haustveit is a professional engineer registered in the state of Oklahoma. He is a completions engineer in a centralized subsurface group at Devon Energy. He focuses on completions design, fracture modeling and diagnostic program design and interpretation. In this lecturer program, he focused on the use of diagnostic tools to characterized ...
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​SPE Japan Section was pleased to invite Dr. Russell Johns for the 2nd distinguished lecturer program (Zoom Meeting) on May 28, 2020. Date: 10:30-12:00 JST, May 28, 2020 Topic: Compositional Simulation that is Truly Compositional Lecturer: Dr. Russell T. Johns, The Pennsylvania State University Russell T. Johns is the George E. Trimble Chair of Energy and Mineral Sciences at the Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. He also holds the Energi Simulation Chair in Fluid Behavior and Rock Interactions. In this lecturer program, he provided new simulation technologies to correctly account for the compositional effects ...
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​SPE Japan welcomed Mr. Hai Liu, the 1st distinguished lecturer for 2019-2020, at INPEX Tokyo on October 21, 2019. Date: October 21, 2019 Topic: Development of Organic Shales Outside North America Lecturer: Mr. Hai Liu, Schlumberger Liu Hai is Technical Advisor on production and stimulation in Schlumberger, and Domain Manager for Middle East and Asia region. In this lecturer program, he provided an overview of challenges in the organic shale outside North America and highlighted the important findings and practices for these plays that would address the problem and improve production performance. SPE Japan is glad to have him as one of the distinguished lecturer ...
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​ SPE JAPAN welcomed Dr. Gary F. Teletzke, the 3rd distinguished lecturer this term, at JX Tokyo headquarters on Monday, February 04, 2019. Theme: "CO2 in the Subsurface: From EOR to Storage" Bio: Abs_Bios_Gary_Teletzke.pdf Dr. Teletzke gave us a very informative speech about CCS. CCS has been quite important because of mitigating the GHG emission, and large scale CCS project has been started up in the world. Dr. Teletzke provided us the fundamentals of CCS & CO2-EOR, and then case studies of CCS application in Sleipner Field, Salah Field and Snohvit Field with lessons learnt from the subsurface point of view. Dr. Teletzke concluded that CO2-EOR ...
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​SPE JAPAN welcomed Dr. Medhat Kamal, the 2nd distinguished lecturer this term, at INPEX Tokyo headquarters on Monday, December 03, 2018. Theme: "Conventional & Unconventional Reservoirs; What Is In & Out in Today’s Pressure and Rate Transient Analysis" Bio: Abs Bios_Medhat Kamal.pdf Dr. Kamal gave us a very informative speech about Pressure and Rate Transient Analysis. In unconventional reservoir, the very tight reservoir, it takes quite long time to get the fruitful reservoir information from Pressure Transient Analysis. So, Rate Transient Analysis has been conducted for the management of Unconventional Resources. Dr. Kamal showed us case ...
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​SPE JAPAN welcomed Mr. Paul Mitchell, the 1st distinguished lecturer this term, at Schlumberger Tokyo on Monday, November 19, 2018. Theme: "4D Seismic History Matching" Bio: Abs Bios_Paul Mitchell.pdf Mr. Mitchell introduced the 4D Seismic History Matching, a new way for building more accurate reservoir model than the traditional history matching. 4D Seismic History Matching has been carried out since 2008, and the number of 4D survey has been gradually increasing since oil price crash. Mr. Mitchell gave us the case studies of 4D Seismic History Matching on Harding & Gryphon fields in UK North Sea, and showed the usefulness of it. Also, Mr. Mitchell ...
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皆様 (English is following) お世話になっております。東京大学の特任研究員 山本マルシオです。 ブラジルのPetrobrasの海洋掘削の専門家Dr. Cristiano Agostiniが来日されます。この機会に東京大学特任研究員のDr. Kazuo Miuraと合同で 海洋掘削 に関するセミナーを開催いたしますのでぜひご参加ください。 会場:東京大学、本郷キャンパス、工学部3号館、4階424号室  日付:2017年12月1日(金) 時間:15:30~17:30 内容 15:30~16:20 Dr. Cristiano Agostini "Drillstring Vibrations in Deepwater Well" 16:40~17:30  Dr. Kazuo Miura "Safety Barriers for Well Integrity" 申込 メールでお申込ください。 ------------------------------------------- Dear Japan section members, We will have the visit of Dr. Cristiano Agostini, expert in Subsea Well Construction from Brazil. ...